• Raising Vibrations Studio: 53 Union Rd, Carmel WA 6076

  • Ph: 0403 189 509

Naturopathic and Wellness Services

Nutritional Supplements

Stocking only the highest quality supplements, with synergistically compatible natural ingredients, we aim to have you feeling well as quickly as possible. Your health goals can be achieved by prescribing programs that involve dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as the use of quality, therapeutic strength, clinically proven, and optimally absorbable natural medicines.

Herbal Medicine

With one of the most extensive and highest-quality herbal dispensaries in Western Australia, we have everything required to treat all symptoms and ailments. Liquid herbal formulations simultaneously and effectively treat many body systems as they are potent and very efficiently absorbed. Quality herbal complexes are also available in tablet form if a liquid herbal is not your preference.

Dietary assessment

Depending on your constitutional type your dietary requirements for optimal health will vary with others. You will learn what foods and nutrition is best for your body.

Zinc Testing

With every initial consultation.


Homoeopathy works on a principle of ‘like cures like’ –  that which causes the ailment/illness can also cure! It is vibrational medicine that energetically corrects the imbalance – wether it be toxin exposure, hormonal, injury or any other systemic imbalance. We use predominantly complexes (combination of simplexes) in the clinic, but if a simplex (single remedy) is required, they are available also.


It works on the energy and nerve meridians of the body and is mainly practised via the hands and feet, but full body reflexology is also available.

Iridology/Iris diagnosis

Iris diagnosis involves taking a photograph of your iris. The colour and structure of the iris, sclera and pupil are then examined.

Integrated Iridology is the only Nationally recognised Iris diagnosis taught in colleges today and it is the program we follow.


Acupuncture can be used for any imbalance within the body from reproductive imbalance, stress, pain, hypertension, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and any other systemic ailment. It is used extensively within the clinic with positive and effective outcomes.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is very beneficial when experiencing tired muscles, aching body, and stress.

Bowen Therapy

Is a hands on therapy that involves a gentle rolling of the fascia over the muscle to rehydrate and rebalance the entire body. It is a beneficial modality for stress relief, pain from injury and even for emotional release.

Cranial Therapy

Cranial Therapy is a simple, non–invasive, energy process where by the gentle movement and touching of specific points on the head release tension and create a realignment within the cranium and energy flow to the entire head.

Hair Mineral Analysis

Determines Mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity that may be affecting your overall health.