Naturopathic Services
Why see a Naturopath?
A consultation will give you a clear holistic understanding of your SELF and your requirements for optimal health and well being. An initial consultation takes 1.5 hours.
It is clear, concise and very thorough.
Herbal Medicine
We have one of the most extensive herbal dispensaries in Western Australia and if we don’t have what you need, we will order as necessary. All herbal medicine used in our clinic is of the highest quality.
We find herbal liquid formulations work very effectively and can treat many systems of the body simultaneously. Quality herbal complexes are also available in tablet form.
Nutritional Supplements
We only stock the highest quality supplements and keep the cost of these supplements to a minimum. Our aim is to have you feeling well as quickly as possible.
We will help you achieve this by prescribing programs that involve dietary and lifestyle changes as well as the use of natural medicines. We select products based on quality, therapeutic strength and proven clinical effectiveness.
Dietary assessment
depending on your constitutional type your dietary requirements for optimal health will vary with others. You will learn what foods and nutrition is best for your body.
Zinc Testing
with every initial consultation.
Hair Mineral Analysis
determines Mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity that may be affecting your overall health.
Wellness Coaching
To gain a better understanding of your lifestyle and ways to improve it for optimal emotional and physical wellbeing.